DATA HIGHLIGHT : Correlation of Median Lifespans with IGF1 Levels
The Center is currently characterizing inbred strains of mice for aging phenotypes at 6, 12 and 18 months of age. It has previously been shown that single gene mutations can change the rate of aging, for example, mutations of genes in the insulin/IGF1 pathway.
Center researchers measured plasma IGF1 levels in aging mice and revealed that IGF1 levels showed an inverse correlation with median lifespan at 6 months. Data from these studies are presented below and have been deposited in the Mouse Phenome Database. [ Datasets ]
Aging in inbred strains of mice: study design and interim report on median lifespans and circulating IGF1 levels
Yuan R, Tsaih SW, Petkova SB, de Evsikova CM, Xing S, Marion MA, Bogue MA, Mills KD, Peters LL, Bult CJ, Rosen CJ, Sundberg JP, Harrison DE, Churchill GA, Paigen B.
Aging Cell (2009) 8(3): 277-87. [ Full Text ]

IGF1 was measured at 6-(A), 12-(B), or 18-(C) months. Females and males are indicated by circles and rectangles. Solid symbols are strains with median lifespans less than 600 days; open symbols are strains with median lifespan greater than 600 days. Correlations are given for all strains (solid line), strains with median lifespan less than 600 days (dashed line), or strains with lifespan greater than 600 days (dotted line).