Principal Investigators

Gary Churchill Ph.D.
As the Director of the Data & Statistical Core for the Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in Basic Biology of Aging, my aim is to provide data analysis support for ongoing studies within the Shock Center inlcuding the development of new analysis methods and software necessary to support aging research, dissemination of data and providing experimental dsign and support to collaborators. My lab employs a combination of strategies to investigate the genetic basis of complex traits associated with aging. We are developing new methods and software that will improve the power of quantitative trait loci mapping and microarray analysis, as well as graphical models that aim to intuitively and precisely characterize the genetic architecture of age related disease.

Ron Korstanje Ph.D.
My goal is to identify key genetic factors that contribute to the decline of function and damage in the aging kidney, to learn their role in the kidney, and to understand why variations of these factors lead to different outcomes. We do this by studying the natural genetic variation in mice and their association with different kidney phenotypes. Once causal genes are identified, we develop precision disease models for further study of the gene and to develop therapeutics that will slow down the decline of kidney function and development of disease.