Aging Center Staff

Laura Robinson

Laura Robinson

Research Project Manager

After graduating from the University of Massachusetts in 2011, Laura joined the JAX Nathan Shock Center in the spring of 2012. Hired as a Research Assistant, after two years she was promoted to Laboratory Manager. Her lab excels at collecting phenotypic data, caloric restruction data, and lifespan data on large cohorts of Collaborative Cross (CC) and Diversity Outbred (DO) mouse lines, working closely with internal and external PI’s ensuring all projects are carried out according to set protocols. Her team is responsible for collecting an array of tissues and samples, including but not limited to: whole blood, plasma and serum, fecal pellets and various tissue samples.

Sean Deats, M.Sci

Sean Deats, M.Sci

Research Assistant

Sean completed his training in behavioral neuroscience from Michigan State University and joined JAX in 2015. He performs various phenotyping assays, process/quality control, and tissue/blood collections within the Nathan Shock Center, for both internal and external projects.

Alison Luciano, Ph.D.

Alison Luciano, Ph.D.

Bioinformatics Analyst

Dr. Luciano applies biostatistics and statistical methods development to preclinical aging research as a member of the JAX NSC Data and Statistical Core. The Core uses mathematical models of the aging process to support mechanism discovery in basic biology.

Gaven Garland

Gaven Garland

Research Assistant

As a Research Assistant,  Gaven is responsible for collecting phenotype data, and keeping accurate records.  He tracks body weights, body condition and mouse behavior. In addition, Gaven collects tissue and blood samples for various projects within the center.